28 de septiembre de 2012

Estar genéricamente en contra de los mercados sería casi tan raro como estar genéricamente en contra de las conversaciones entre los individuos (aun cuando algunas sean detestables y causen problemas a otros o incluso a los mismos que conversan).

Amartya Sen, 
Desarrollo & Libertad.

26 de septiembre de 2012

So you accidentally said the wrong thing... One time, I asked this blind lady when her baby was due, turns out she wasn't pregnant, and she wasn't even a lady, but he really was blind, which was good because when he went to throw his coffee at me he totally missed and he hit a real pregnant lady and I was like: "Dude, you're such a jerk, you just hit a real pregnant lady!" And then, it turns out she wasn't pregnant either, so...

Cougar Town.

25 de septiembre de 2012

I've read a book once, I mean, I skim it and read the jacket cover, but the point of the book was that women and, I'm sure, positive, that this applies to men as well, shouldn't wait for the perfect mate to just roll onto their lives, they should settle sometimes for Mr. or Mrs. Good Enough.

The Pill.