22 de octubre de 2012

Au XXIe siècle, l'amour est un SMS sans réponse.

Marc Marronnier,
L'amour Dure Trois Ans.

21 de octubre de 2012

Carmen, I just want to let you know that even if you decide not to be a housekeeper anymore, I'll always think of you as a housekeeper. Even if you, like, cure cancer, to me, you'll always be a housekeeper and I want you to know that.


5 de octubre de 2012

Uhhh, an ist. I've always wanted to be an ist!

Frankie Heck,
The Middle.

2 de octubre de 2012

Come on girl,
You're not even trying
Your place is a mess
And all your plants are dying
You're lying around in those sweatpants
You're staring off into the distance
Come on give me a kiss
I hate to see you like this

I hate to see you like this
Ah ah ah ah
I hate to see you like this

I don't know
What's going on in your head now,
But I think it's time
You got on up out of bed now
Let's get your phone reconnected
Let's get this room disinfected
Come on give me a kiss
I hate to see you like this

I hate to see you like this
Ah ah ah ah
I hate to see you like this

You know whatever's on your mind
It's gonna work itself out over time
But it's never gonna get much better
If you don't make a little effort
Just a little effort

Come on girl
Let's pull it together
You can't just watch infomercials forever
If you need a hand
Why don't you take mine?
Let's get you out
Into the sunshine
Come on give me a kiss
I hate to see you like this

I hate to see you like this
Ah ah ah ah
I hate to see you like this

Hate To See You Like This, 
Fountains Of Wayne.

28 de septiembre de 2012

Estar genéricamente en contra de los mercados sería casi tan raro como estar genéricamente en contra de las conversaciones entre los individuos (aun cuando algunas sean detestables y causen problemas a otros o incluso a los mismos que conversan).

Amartya Sen, 
Desarrollo & Libertad.

26 de septiembre de 2012

So you accidentally said the wrong thing... One time, I asked this blind lady when her baby was due, turns out she wasn't pregnant, and she wasn't even a lady, but he really was blind, which was good because when he went to throw his coffee at me he totally missed and he hit a real pregnant lady and I was like: "Dude, you're such a jerk, you just hit a real pregnant lady!" And then, it turns out she wasn't pregnant either, so...

Cougar Town.

25 de septiembre de 2012

I've read a book once, I mean, I skim it and read the jacket cover, but the point of the book was that women and, I'm sure, positive, that this applies to men as well, shouldn't wait for the perfect mate to just roll onto their lives, they should settle sometimes for Mr. or Mrs. Good Enough.

The Pill.

14 de agosto de 2012

- Hello?
- Hi! So, listen, either you gave me the crabs or I gave you the crabs but, anyway, I have the crabs and you were inside me last week so you've got crabs too. Ah... So... 
- Jesus!
- You didn't feel itchy?
- Yeah, but I thought it was laundry detergent...
- No. Crabs. Ah... So... Fuck you! or Sorry, I don't know which one.
- Bye.

Louie & one night stand,

7 de agosto de 2012

Se puede vivir una larga vida sin aprender nada. Se puede durar sobre la tierra sin agregar ni cambiar una pincelada de paisaje. Se puede simplemente no estar muerto sin estar tampoco vivo. Basta con no amar, nunca, a nada, a nadie. Es la única receta infalible para no sufrir. Yo aposté mi vida a todo lo contrario y hacía muchos años que definitivamente había dejado de importarme si lo perdido era más que lo ganado. Creía que ya estábamos a mano, el mundo y yo, ahora que ninguno de los dos respetaba demasiado al otro. Pero un día descubrí que todavía podía hacer algo para estar completamente vivo antes de estar definitivamente muerto. Entonces, me puse en movimiento.

Caballos Salvajes.

6 de agosto de 2012

Elle est incroyable cette fille! Je me demande ce qu'elle va prendre. Elle hésite. J'adore les femmes qui hésitent. Qu'est-ce qu'elle va choisir? Un café? Non, non, non, non, c'est trop banale... et bon, c'est toujours mieux qu'un déca. Il n'y a rien de plus sinistre qu'un déca. Un thé? Non, non, ce qui serait bien ce serait un jus, et non pas n'importe quel. Un truc trop exotique, la papaille, la goyave, ça fait peur... faudrait pas non plus un truc trop classique comme l'orange ou la pomme. Non, le mieux ce serait un jus d'apricot. Voilà, si elle prend un jus d'apricot, je me lève et je l'aborde.

La Délicatesse.

31 de julio de 2012

Quand tu étais petite, toi, tu voulais être astronaute, marchande de fleurs, de glaces et de bonbons à la fraise, mais à la fraise uniquement. Tu voulais être trapèziste, rêveuse ou chef d'orchestre. Moi, je voulais être princesse, pilote d'avion, marchande de sable et championne, mais championne de tout. Maman, elle, elle voulait être heureuse. Je crois que parfois elle l'est. Quand on est tous ensemble, je crois qu'elle l'est. Et puis, mon fils, plus tard, il veut être Zorro. 
On n'est pas devenu ce qu'on rêvait d'être, mais on s'en sorte plutôt pas mal. On rit, on joue, on apprend, on est curieux, déçu, en colère, exalté, créatif, on s'ennuie, on s'amuse, on avance, on se trompe, on profite, on est vivant, quoi! Et on vit tous ensemble.

Les Adoptés.

30 de julio de 2012

La voix je dirais, le son de leurs voix, c'est ça qui me manque le plus. C'est ça qu'on oublie en premier. Après, il y a les visages, plus flous, moins prècis, il reste les photos, personne ne vieillit. Même les souvenirs s'effacent, on les transforme, on les rend plus beaux. Mais la voix, une fois que tu l'as perdue, tu ne la retrouves pas. 

Les Adoptés.

24 de julio de 2012

Your love for me is not debatable 
Your sexual appetite's insatiable 
You never ever make me waitable, 
Delectable, inflatable you. 

You don't have problems with your weight at all 
You never steal food off my plate at all 
I never have to masturbate at all 
Unstoppable, inflatable you. 

You never seem to menstruate at all 
So you're not angry when I'm late at all 
I feel permanently felatable 
Unpoppable, inflatable you. 

With you in my arms I feel we could just float away 
With the right kind of gas I might even try it some day 
In this ocean of life I'm never afraid I might drown 
We could just float forever whatever the weather 
Whenever my inflatable lover's around. 

Your thighs and buttocks are so holdable 
You always do what you are toldable 
And if we argue you're just foldable 
Controlable consolable you. 

My mates all reckon you are suitable 
I took you 'round to watch the footable 
And Steve and Gary said you're rootable 
Refutable, commutable you.

You're never sensitive or tickley 
When I rub you my skin goes prickerly 
It's known as static electricity 
Felicity when I'm kissing you. 

Your skin is so smooth I couldn't afford you with hair
You have all the holes real girls have got plus one for the air 
Your problems are simple, I don't need my Master's in Psych 
To know if you get down I just perk you right up 
With a couple of squirts from the pump off my bike. 

You never wake up when I snore at all 
A trait which I find quite adorable 
You have a box and you are storable 
Ignorable, back-doorable you. 

Any sexual position's feasible 
Although you don't bend at the knees at all 
Your hooters are so firm and squeezable 
Increasable, un-creasable you. 

Now birth control is not an issue 
I clean it all up with a tissue 
I bet my jealous friend all wish you 
We're insatiably inflatably theirs. 

Don’t let me down. 
Don’t let me down. 
Don’t let me down. 
And I won’t let you down.

Inflatable You, 
Tim Minchin.

22 de julio de 2012

Tra tutti i giorni in cui potevi partire
Perché hai pensato proprio al lunedì.
Gli uccelli cantano, l’estate è alle porte
tempo di mare e di granite al limone.
Chissà quale fine sarcasmo d’autore
Avresti sfoderato senza giri di parole.

Viva l’Italia, il calcio, il testosterone,
gli inciuci e le buttane in preda all’ormone
a noi ci piace assai la televisione
proprio l’oggetto – dico – esposto in salone
chissà quale amara considerazione
avresti concepito in virtù del pudore.

Mandaci una cartolina e una ridente foto di te
Che prendi il sole sulla spiaggia
Con la solita camicia bianca
Ed il giornale aperto sulla pagina sportiva
Mentre stai sul bagnasciuga
Beato tra le braccia di un tramonto.

Tra tutti i giorni in cui potevi morire
Perché hai pensato proprio al lunedì
Strade caotiche e litigi agli incroci
Quanti cafoni su veicoli osceni
Chissà quale fine sarcasmo d’autore
Avresti sfoderato in questa triste occasione.

Mandaci una cartolina e una ridente foto di te
Che prendi il sole sulla spiaggia
Con la solita camicia bianca
Ed il giornale aperto sulla pagina sportiva
Mentre stai sul bagnasciuga
canticchiando una canzone romantica.

Mandaci una cartolina e una ridente foto di te
Che prendi il sole sulla spiaggia
Con la solita camicia bianca.

Mandaci una cartolina e una ridente foto di te
Mentre stai sul bagnasciuga
E cogli con stupore il nuovo giorno.

Mandaci Una Cartolina, 
Carmen Consoli.

17 de julio de 2012

Avec François, le temps file à une allure démentielle, on dirait qu'il a la capacité de sauter des jours, de créer des semaines sans jeudis. Est-ce que c'est ça le bonheur, quand il n'y a plus de jeudis?

La Délicatesse.

16 de julio de 2012

You know the best thing about necrophilia? You don't have to bring flowers. Usually, they're already there.

George Carlin.

13 de julio de 2012

- Ok, you are supposed to make me feel better, not worse.
-You are confusing me with Prozac.

Jane Bingum & Joan Rivers,
Drop Dead Diva.

12 de julio de 2012

I like the smell of petrol 
I love the taste of booze 
But I hate my love for you 
Yeah I hate my love for you 

I like Johnny Cash 
Singing "A Boy Named Sue" 
But I hate my love for you 
Yeah I hate my love for you 

You're worse that drink 
You're worse than crack 
For you they should bring hanging back 
And I should be the one to string you up 

I hate the sound of cliche 
As it begins to call 
But I hate my love for you 
Most of all 

Hate my love for you, 
hate my love for you 

I'd tell your ma 
I'd tell your pa 
But you don't come from Arkansas 
And I can't send you back where you belong 

I like the way you're standing 
In just your high heeled shoes 
But I hate my love for you 
Yeah I hate my love my love for you 
I hate my love for you 
Yeah I hate my love for you

Hate My Love,
The Proclaimers.

11 de julio de 2012

- Let me ask you, if you were a bad kisser, which one would you rather hear from your girlfriend?
A) Ew, no.
B) Would you like to profuse this pamphlet I found on kissing? or
C) How about we take a break from kissing and go get a froyo?
- As much as I love a good pamphlet, I'll go with froyo. Froyo.

Sue & Brick,
The Middle.

6 de julio de 2012

Estoy tratando de decir
Y no me salen las palabras.
Estoy tratando de decirte
Me gusta cuando me hablas.

Estoy intentando resolver 
Un complicado crucigrama 
Pregunta doce horizontal 
¿Cuando te llevo a la cama?

Estoy probando ser feliz
Y no morir en el intento
Pues sólo trato de vivir
Y disfrutar tus momentos.

Estoy intentando descubrir
Como si fuera un adivino
La fórmula del elixir
De nuestro mudo destino

Te estoy tratando de advertir
Que te manejes con cautela
Que algunos tratos en la vida
Dejan profunda secuela

Estoy tratando de cantar
Que te quiero
Que por quererte besar
Mi vida me desespero

Estoy tratando de explicar
Mis verdaderos sentimientos
Es muy difícil de lograr
Pero yo al menos lo intento
Es imposible de lograr
Pero lo intento, lo intento
Estoy tratando de decirte, mi amor,
Que te querré para siempre.

Jaime Urrutia & Andrés Calamaro, 

21 de junio de 2012

Now, you wouldn't know it for some of the things I've said over the years but I like people. I do. I like people, but I like them in short bursts. I don't like people for extended periods of time. I'm alright with them for a little while but once you get up passed around a minute, minute and a half, I've got to get the fuck out of there. And my reason for this, my reason is for one that you may share possibly. I have a very low tolerance level for stupid bullshit.

It's Bad For Ya,
George Carlin.

19 de junio de 2012

Hace siete años mi novia viajó a ver a sus padres a Nueva Jersey, Estados Unidos. Se suponía que era por 20 días, un mes. A pesar de lo mucho que le dolió, me llamó, cobro revertido, para avisarme que ya no volvería, que ese era su lugar y que se había dado cuenta que era muy americana. Una genia. Coincidentemente, se sintió muy americana cuando Argentina devaluó. La verdad es que acá tenía pocas cosas que la ataran, solo su perra y yo. A ella también eligió dejarla, pero con las mejores intenciones. Dijo: "va a sufrir mucho el cambio, le va a costar adaptarse a otro idioma..."

- Sabés que me pone nervioso los aviones. Me sentiría más tranquilo si llevas la piedra que uso yo cada vez que viajo.
- Viajaste una sola vez en tu vida.
- Bueno, sirvió. Es mi cábala. Es por mí.
- Bueno.

En un mismo instante perdí a la mujer que amaba y la capacidad de volar.

Martín y su ex.

18 de junio de 2012

¿Hay algo más descorazonador en el siglo XXI que no tener mails en la bandeja de entrada? Por suerte, me escribió un amigo de Omán que está circunstancialmente de visita en Yemén y me pide una mano para sacar 9.5 millones de dólares de un banco local. Hace mucho que no me escribía. Me parece una amistad imprudente e interesada.


16 de junio de 2012

He llegado a la conclusión de que estas citas son como los combos de McDonald's. En las fotos todo se ve más rico, grande y apetitoso que en la realidad. Cada vez que voy a una cita sufro la misma decepción que frente a un Big Mac.


15 de junio de 2012

You know, I read this article that said if you smile all the time you could trick your brain into thinking that you're happy.


9 de junio de 2012

Te he dejado en la reserva de mis sueños
Pero el sueño no concibo

Y No Te Olvido,
Café Quijano & Materia Prima.

6 de junio de 2012

Digging a hole and the walls are caving inBehind me,Air's getting thin but I'm trying,I'm breathing in,Come find me
It hasn't felt like this beforeIt hasn't felt like home...before you
And I know it's easy to say, but it's harder to feel this way,And I miss you more than I should, than I thought I could,I can't get my mind off of you
I know you're scared that I'll soon be over it,That's part of it all,Part of the beauty of falling in love with you,Is the fear you wont fall
It hasn't felt like this beforeIt hasn't felt like home...before you
And I know it's easy to say, but it's harder to feel this wayAnd I miss you more than I should, than I thought I could,I can't get my mind off of you
And I hate the phone,But I wish you'd call,Thought being alone,Was better than, was better than...
And I know it's easy to say, but it's harder to feel this wayAnd I miss you more than I should, than I thought I could,I can't get my mind off of you.

The Fear You Won't Fall,
Joshua Radin.

5 de junio de 2012

Quoi que tu fasses
Je ne sais pas ce que ça remplace
Et derrière nous
C'est encore à l'ombre
Faut-il encore qu'on raconte
que quelque chose nous revienne
Faut-il qu'on soit seul sur terre
ici aussi

Boire pour la soif
Je ne sais pas ce qui de nous deux restera
Tu dis mais je ne regarde pas
Je n'ai jamais vu la mer
Mais j'en ai vu des noyés
Comment fais-tu pour oublier
pour oublier

Et la pluie qui revient
dans nos voix
Pas une chanson où je ne pense à toi
Dans ce monde inhabitable
Il vaut mieux danser sur les tables
À port coton qu'on se revoit
qu'on se revoit

Et quoi que je fasse
Je ne sais pas ce que ça remplace
Et derrière nous
C'est encore à l'ombre
Aller auprès du phare
Et la vie est sans phare
À port coton qu'on se revoit
Dans ce monde inhabitable
Il vaut mieux danser sur les tables
À port coton qu'on se revoit
qu'on se revoit

Port Coton,

26 de mayo de 2012

- So what you say? Accept my friend thingy...
- Sorry, mom, I didn't get a friend thingy from you...
- Yeah, you know, they have a lot of blocks in there to protect kids from weirdos.
- Mmm... Ok, god, good, I'll send it again.
- Great!
- Please do.

- Please don't.
- We've got her request the first time but ignore it. I can't have her round there snooping around seeing what I'm doing at parties.
- Or getting pictures of us on family vacations wearing dorky clothes...

Claire, Hayley & Alex,
Modern Family.

22 de mayo de 2012

I just don't understand why I need to learn the skill, outside the gym class, when will I ever need to dodge a ball?

Brick Heck,
The Middle.

21 de mayo de 2012

I want to be what I was when I wanted to be what I am.

Sam Havadtoy.

20 de mayo de 2012

Sometimes it feels like wild living in a prozac nation: United States of depression.
I don't know who I am anymore. I have this personality and it's fucked up, but it's me and I see myself becoming this person who does the right thing, who says the right thing but that's not me. 

Prozac Nation.

17 de mayo de 2012

- How long do you think Andy's felt sexually unfulfilled?
- Kill me. Does that answer make any sense? Look, you take care of him... in other ways... Cooking?
- No.
- Ironing his shirts?
- Is this the fifties?
- Rubbing his feet?
- Have you seen them?
- Rubbing his back?
- There's no rubbing.
- Scratching his back?
- My fingers get stuck.
- Listening to him?
- I'm not his friend Travis, I'm just his wife.

Ellie & Travis,
Cougar Town.

13 de mayo de 2012

Your daddy always said you should stay away from
A fool like me, a fool like me
And when your momma sees me calling on your telephone
The bitch hangs up on me

Remember that time I blew your mailbox up
I was just kidding about that (kidding about that)
I'm sorry that I hit your dog with my bike
But he's still got three legs (he's gonna be just fine)
And baby, baby I ain't too sure that
I know how to change anymore
This I know for sure..
I just got eyes for you
Even though your friends say:
Oh my God, how can she be with him?
Oh my God leave his ass!

Your daddy always said you should stay away from
A fool like me, a fool like me
And when your momma sees me calling on your telephone,
She hangs up on me
That bitch hangs up on me
Yeah I know
That I'm a grown ass man
Who still acts like an idiot
But Lord he must have been in a good mood the day
He let a girl like you
Choose to take a fool like me

I never meant to drive your car into that tree
I'm still real sorry about that (sorry about that)
And I know I can't get it right
But I would do anything, anything
For my
Baby, baby you ain't too sure that
I know how to change anymore
This you know for sure...
I just got eyes for you
Even though your friends say:
Oh my God, how can she be with him?
Oh my God leave his ass!

Your daddy always said "you should stay away from
A fool like me, a fool like me"
And when your momma sees me calling on your telephone,
She hangs up on me
That bitch hangs up on me
Yeah I know
That I'm a grown ass man
Who still acts like an idiot
But Lord he must have been in a good mood the day
He let a girl like you
Choose to take a fool like me,
Take a fool like me
Take a fool like

Oh my God!
How can she be with him?
Oh my God!
How can she be with him?
Oh my God
Leave his ass!

Your daddy always said "you should stay away from
A fool like me, a fool like me"
And when your momma sees me calling on your telephone,
She hangs up on me
That bitch hangs up on me
Yeah I know
That I'm a grown ass man
Who still acts like an idiot
But Lord he must have been in a good mood the day
He let a girl like you
Choose to take a fool like me

Fool Like Me,
Cobra Starship & The Plasticines.

9 de mayo de 2012

I'm sitting here all by myself 
just trying to think of something to do
Trying to think of something, anything 
just to keep me from thinking of you 
But you know it's not working out 
Because you're all that's on my mind 
One thought of you is all it takes 
to leave the rest of the world behind

Well I didn't mean for this to go as far as it did 
And I didn't mean to get so close and share what we did 
And I didn't mean to fall in love, but I did 
And you didn't mean to love me back, but I know you did 

I'm sitting here trying to convince myself 
that you're not the one for me 
But the more I think, the less I believe it 
and the more I want you here with me 
You know the holidays are coming up 
I don't want to spend them alone 
Memories of Christmas time with you 
will just kill me if I'm on my own 

Well I didn't mean for this to go as far as it did 
And I didn't mean to get so close and share what we did 
And I didn't mean to fall in love, but I did 
And you didn't mean to love me back 

I know it's not the smartest thing to do 
we just can't seem to get it right 
But what I wouldn't give to have one more chance tonight 
One more chance tonight 

I'm sitting here trying to entertain myself with this old guitar 
But with all my inspiration gone it's not getting me very far 
I look around my room and everything I see reminds me of you 
Oh please, baby won't you take my hand 
we've got nothing left to prove 

Well I didn't mean for this to go as far as it did 
And I didn't mean to get so close and share what we did 
And I didn't mean to fall in love, but I did 
And you didn't mean to love me back, but I know you did 

And I didn't mean to meet you then 
when we were just kids 
And I didn't mean to give you chills 
the way that I kiss 
And I didn't mean to fall in love, but I did 
And you didn't mean to love me back but I know you did 
Don't say you didn't love me back because you know you did 
No, you didn't mean to love me back 
But you did 

A Lonely September, 
Plain White T's.

8 de mayo de 2012

- Eye roll!
- Oh, like I had a choice!

Cameron & Mitchell,
Modern Family.

7 de mayo de 2012

If there's one thing that we've learned from Michelle Pfeiffer in Dangerous Minds, or Sandy Bullock in The Blind Side, or Hilary Swank in that movie no one ever saw is that all you need to fix minority problems is a really pretty white woman.

Cougar Town.

1 de mayo de 2012

Tu vas en connaître des gens, fils de pute, tu vas connaître les gens Tu vas en connaître des gens, tu vas téter la solitude Tu vas en connaître des gens, tu vas sucer de l'énervement Tu vas en connaître des gens, tu vas téter de l'agitation Tu vas en connaître des gens, tu vas sucer de l'impatience Tu vas en connaître des gens, tu vas téter de l'inquiétude Tu vas en connaître des gens, tu vas sucer de la terreur Tu vas en connaître des gens, tu vas bouffer de l'anxiété Tu vas en connaître des gens, tu vas téter de l'angoisse Tu vas en connaître des gens, tu vas sucer du tourment Tu vas en connaître des gens, tu vas avaler de l'ennui Tu vas en connaître des gens, tu vas sucer du malaise Tu vas en connaître des gens, tu vas téter amer Tu vas en connaître des gens, tu vas bouffer de la merde, fils de pute

Vous Êtes Tous Des Fils De Pute,
Rodrigo García.

30 de abril de 2012

La manifestation la plus grossière
de votre égoïsme, c'est quand vous vous sentez obligé
de vous intéresser à moi
Vous posez des questions et vous avez l'air si étonné
que ça pue
Tu peux facilement te rendre compte qu'il s'agit d'une formalité

Vous Êtes Tous Des Fils De Pute,
Rodrigo García.

29 de abril de 2012

Still can't believe you're engaged! Just because it's happening so fast, not because you are such a loser...


19 de abril de 2012

Trabajaba como un loco solo para que me vieras libre... 
Memorizaba favoritos en la quinta en San Isidro gana siempre el seis 
Jugaba como un condenado con los pocos dados que te pude adivinar 
Era el fantasma de la Opera aprendiéndome tu letra a punto de estrenar 

Reconocía colectivos desde lejos me sentía el Nostradamus del 2000 
Pero al perderme entre la gente volví a ser el combatiente de fusil contra fusil 
Intentaba divertido confundir a tus amigos para andar la situación 
"Mira!! Robert de Niro" digo sorprendido pero no llamaba la atención 

Y ahora al final... 
Al final... 
No sé si valió la pena esperar 
Tantos días, tantos meses, tantos años 
Como si fuera la vida de un extraño 

Cuando la joya de la abuela se durmió en mi catrera me subieron el alquiler 
Con el delivery de sushi clausurado nuestra geisha desfiló con la aurine' 
Era como un terremoto sobre mi cadáver roto, jineteando sin piedad 
Pero la marcha de la Remington de noche no se calma con el agua mineral 

La paleta sanguchera se apropió de la heladera con un tinto de rehén 
El amor era un vagón abandonado acostumbrado a descarriar en cada paso a nivel 
Le ofrecieron un trabajo en Barcelona y firmamos en la lona "El quién da más" 
En el 86’ mientras volvía de la despedida me puse a llorar 

Porque al final... 
Al final... 
No sé si valió la pena esperar 
Tantos días, tantos meses, tantos años 
Como si fuera la vida de un extraño 

"Si tuvieras pasaporte te llevaba" dijo mientras se adentraba en el Freeshop 
"Si tuviera pasaporte me quedaba" le alcance a decir pero jamás me oyó 
Las cartas documento que mandó mi orgullo te aseguro son para olvidar 
Pero el país del 2001 nos pateaba tanto el culo que perdimos la humildad 

La esperanza pasajera confundió la primavera con dos flores de papel 
Cuando regresaste tarde de una España diferente de la que quisiste creer 
Nos burlamos de esas fotos donde estamos tan nosotros con la risa por que sí
Vos más linda, yo más joven, los dos pintas de ladrones, vos más buena, yo más gris 

Pero al final.. 
Al final... 
No sé si valió la pena esperar 
Tantos días, tantos meses, tantos años 
Como si fuera la vida de un extraño 

La Joya De La Abuela, 

29 de marzo de 2012

I remember wishing I was older
Always something big around the corner
But as the years go by I'm growing younger
Open eyes and head still filled with wonder.

Irrational Anthem,
Plain White T's.

26 de marzo de 2012

And I brought "Operation" but I lost the tweezers, so we can not operate, but we can prep the guy!


20 de marzo de 2012

Las tardecitas de Buenos Aires tienen ese qué sé yo, ¿viste? Salís de tu casa, por Arenales. Lo de siempre: en la calle y en vos. . . Cuando, de repente, de atrás de un árbol, me aparezco yo. Mezcla rara de penúltimo linyera y de primer polizón en el viaje a Venus: medio melón en la cabeza, las rayas de la camisa pintadas en la piel, dos medias suelas clavadas en los pies, y una banderita de taxi libre levantada en cada mano. ¡Te reís!... Pero sólo vos me ves: porque los maniquíes me guiñan; los semáforos me dan tres luces celestes, y las naranjas del frutero de la esquina me tiran azahares. ¡Vení!, que así, medio bailando y medio volando, me saco el melón para saludarte, te regalo una banderita, y te digo...

Ya sé que estoy piantao, piantao, piantao...
No ves que va la luna rodando por Callao;
que un corso de astronautas y niños, con un vals,
me baila alrededor... ¡Bailá! ¡Vení! ¡Volá!

Ya sé que estoy piantao, piantao, piantao...
Yo miro a Buenos Aires del nido de un gorrión;
y a vos te vi tan triste... ¡Vení! ¡Volá! ¡Sentí!...
el loco berretín que tengo para vos:

¡Loco! ¡Loco! ¡Loco!
Cuando anochezca en tu porteña soledad,
por la ribera de tu sábana vendré
con un poema y un trombón
a desvelarte el corazón.

¡Loco! ¡Loco! ¡Loco!
Como un acróbata demente saltaré,
sobre el abismo de tu escote hasta sentir
que enloquecí tu corazón de libertad...
¡Ya vas a ver!

Salgamos a volar, querida mía;
subite a mi ilusión super-sport,
y vamos a correr por las cornisas
¡con una golondrina en el motor!

De Vieytes nos aplauden: "¡Viva! ¡Viva!",
los locos que inventaron el Amor;
y un ángel y un soldado y una niña
nos dan un valsecito bailador.

Nos sale a saludar la gente linda...
Y loco, pero tuyo, ¡qué sé yo!:
provoco campanarios con la risa,
y al fin, te miro, y canto a media voz:

Quereme así, piantao, piantao, piantao...
Trepate a esta ternura de locos que hay en mí,
ponete esta peluca de alondras, ¡y volá!
¡Volá conmigo ya! ¡Vení, volá, vení!

Quereme así, piantao, piantao, piantao...
Abrite los amores que vamos a intentar
la mágica locura total de revivir...
¡Vení, volá, vení! ¡Trai-lai-la-larará!

¡Viva! ¡Viva! ¡Viva!
Loca ella y loco yo...
¡Locos! ¡Locos! ¡Locos!
¡Loca ella y loco yo!

Balada Para Un Loco,
Astor Piazzola & Horacio Ferrer.

18 de marzo de 2012

À Léon Werth.
Je demande pardon aux enfants d'avoir dédié ce livre à une grande personne. J'ai une excuse sérieuse: cette grande personne est le méilleur ami que j'ai au monde. J'ai une autre excuse: cette grande personne peut tout comprendre, même les livres pour enfants. J'ai une troisième excuse: cette grande personne habite la France où elle a faim et froid. Elle a bien besoin d'être consolée. Si toutes ces excuses ne suffisent pas, je veux bien dédier ce livre à l'enfant qu'a été autrefois cette grande personne. Toutes les grandes personnes ont d'abord été des enfants. (Mais peu d'entre elles s'en souviennent.) Je corrige donc ma dédicace:
À Léon Werth
quand il était petit garçon.

Le Petit Prince,
Antoine De Saint-Exupéry.

17 de marzo de 2012

En 1988 j'ai occupé 
mon été à me répéter
et à me répéter encore ces mêmes
dix phrases:
Un, je ne veux pas choisir et me limiter à un seul type de vie
Deux, je ne veux pas passer à côté des autres vies possibles pour avoir choisi celle-ci
Trois, être respecté pour son travail, ça bouleverse une vie
Quatre, si je n'arrive pas à être respecté au travail je ne pourrai pas être respecté par ma famille
Cinq, je méprise ceux qui s'enferment jeunes dans la plus saine et la plus sûre de toutes les vies
Six, extirper la haine de mon âme revient à baisser mon froc au milieu de ces fauves
Sept, les mauvaises compagnies sont plus utiles que la solitude, car j'améliore ainsi mes défenses
Huit, toute vie, pour être acceptée, doit être portée par un discours triomphal: nous vivons une époque où il faut être sûr de soi
Neuf, jusqu'à mes quinze ans mes passions sont demeurées inaltérables, puis j'ai été lié par des engagements financiers
Dix, penser n'est pas productif

Vous êtes tous des fils de pute,
Rodrigo García.

16 de marzo de 2012

Parler, sale affaire, il faut d'abord avoir vécu
Avoir vécu sans trop faire attention à ce qu'on a vécu
Ceux qui tiennent un journal intime
n'auront jamais de grands souvenirs
- d'abord, journal, ça veut dire:
méthodiquement ils s'obstinent à consigner
tout ce qu'ils ont vécu sur un même
plan: la science domestique
du journal intime
Ta vie ne peut être cernée, l'encre vient toujours souiller l'action
Pourquoi pondérer
un évenement? laisse
chaque instant crépiter
Laisse la merde

Vous êtes tous des fils de pute,
Rodrigo García.

14 de marzo de 2012

- MIT? Wow, you grow up to be a lot smarter than me.
- Yeah, sometimes my neck gets sore.
- Why?
- My brain's so big!

Adam & Ema,
No Strings Attached.

12 de marzo de 2012

- Hey Matty.
- Lisa, Ok, first of all, I'm not going to ask you where you've been but I get points for that, right?
- Not when you put it like that...
- Ok, I screwed up, that's why I wrote something out that I want to... I want to say to you. Ok, this will be good... Is it bad that I wrote it out?
- It's unusual, it's not bad... Stop asking me things like that, it's weird.
- Oh yeah, yeah, sorry, I went nuts when you left, I broke a lamp!
- Ok, read me the thing.
- That was the thing!

Lisa & Matty,
How Do You Know.

11 de marzo de 2012

- Let me ask you something, how do you know when you're in love?
- Well...
- What?
- I've got a way, whenever this one thing happens I know I'm done. I will tell you but its personal and I don't want anybody making fun of me for it.
- No, no-one's going to... just go!
- I think I'm in love with somebody when I wear a condom with the other girls, OK?
- Holy shit I'm in love.

Matty & Bullpen Pitcher,
How Do You Know.

9 de marzo de 2012

I hold on so nervously
To me and my drink
I wish it was cooling me
But so far, has not been good
It’s been shitty
And I feel awkward, as I should
This club has got to be
The most pretentious thing
Since I thought you and me
Well I am imagining
A dark lit place
Or your place or my place

Well I’m not paralyzed
But, I seem to be struck by you
I want to make you move
Because you’re standing still
If your body matches
What your eyes can do
You’ll probably move right through
Me on my way to you

I hold out for one more drink
Before I think
I’m looking too desperately
But so far has not been fun
I should just stay home
If one thing really means one
This club will hopefully
Be closed in three weeks
That would be cool with me
Well I’m still imagining
A dark lit place
Or your place or my place

Well, I’m not paralyzed
But, I seem to be struck by you
I want to make you move
Because you’re standing still
If your body matches
What your eyes can do
You’ll probably move right through
Me on my way to you

You’ll probably move right through
Me on my way to you

You’ll probably move right through
Me on my way to you

Finger Eleven.

5 de marzo de 2012

The clock on the dash told me I was five minutes late, a lifetime with my mother told me she thinks that meant I was dead.

Stephanie Plum,
One For The Money.

3 de marzo de 2012

- Where is my good underwear?
- The question is why isn't all your underwear good, Jay?

Jay & Gloria,
Modern Family.

2 de marzo de 2012

- Oh my God! He did it again.
- Hey, nice flowers! Lucky for you I didn't get any so the vase is free...
- This time I've tried to keep my mouth closed but it still got in there somehow. That's almost like he's doing it on purpose.
- Yeah, Sue, here's the thing, he is doing it on purpose.
- What? Why? Why would he do something like that? It's so mean!
- Yeah, well, it might seem mean to you now, but, you know, some people sort of like it.
- Who? Who would like that? It's like having an eel in your mouth!
- Oh! Come on Sue! There are two girls that are pregnant in your class right now. You've never heard of French kissing?
- Wait a minute! That's French kissing?
- Yeah! What did you think it was?
- I thought it was kissing during a rainbow...

Sue & Frankie,
The Middle.

29 de febrero de 2012

- Oh... You're getting married! It's so romantic... Like that movie, Inception, when Leo loves his wife so much but then she gets mad and moves to that weird city where there's like no people and earthquakes all the time, then he ends up in Snow Mountain and falls in love with Juno...
- Oh jelly bean, you didn't understand that movie at all, didn't you?
- No, but I cried so hard at the end...

Laurie & Ellie,
Cougar Town.

27 de febrero de 2012

- If I were your wife, I'd put poison in your coffe.
- If you were my wife, I would drink it!

Nancy Astor & Winston Churchill

24 de febrero de 2012

Now and then I think of when we were together
Like when you said you felt so happy you could die
Told myself that you were right for me
But felt so lonely in your company
But that was love and it's an ache I still remember

You can get addicted to a certain kind of sadness
Like resignation to the end, always the end
So, when we found that we could not make sense
Well, you said that we would still be friends
But I'll admit that I was glad that it was over

But you didn't have to cut me off
Make out like it never happened and that we were nothing
And I don't even need your love
But you treat me like a stranger and that feels so rough
No, you didn't have to stoop so low
Have your friends collect your records and then change your number
I guess that I don't need, that though
Now you're just somebody that I used to know
Now you're just somebody that I used to know
Now you're just somebody that I used to know

Now and then I think of all the times you screwed me over
But had me believing it was always something that I'd done
But I don't wanna live that way, reading into every word you say
You said that you could let it go
And I wouldn't catch you hung up on somebody that you used to know

But you didn't have to cut me off
Make out like it never happened and that we were nothing
And I don't even need your love
But you treat me like a stranger and that feels so rough
No, you didn't have to stoop so low
Have your friends collect your records and then change your number
I guess that I don't need, that though
Now you're just somebody that I used to know

Somebody, I used to know
Somebody, now you're just somebody that I used to know
Somebody, I used to know
Somebody, now you're just somebody that I used to know

I used to know
That I used to know
I used to know

Somebody That I Used To Know,

23 de febrero de 2012

Quand on veut un mouton, c'est la preuve qu'on existe.

Le Petit Prince,
Antoine de Saint-Exupéry.

20 de febrero de 2012

Nosotros nos tenemos que joder, corazón,
Por locos, por ingenuos, por prestar el carné,
Por negociar las reglas de la revolución,
Por cobrar en "paga Dios" cuando Dios quiebra.

Nosotros nos tenemos que matar, corazón,
Por necios, porque sí, por aprender a perder,
Por no llevar campera cuando afuera cambió,
Por tararear la canción con la que nos entierran.

Nosotros nos tenemos que reír, corazón,
Por feos, por ilusos, por borrar el cassette,
Por desechar la caja junto con el manual,
Por no aprender a bailar y por quemar el mantel.

Nosotros nos tenemos que extinguir, corazón,
Por freaks, por desclasados, por firmar sin leer,
Por ver que está vencido siempre por la mitad,
Y por salir a comprar justo cuando hay que vender.

Nosotros nos tenemos que olvidar, corazón,
Por vagos, por hablar hasta enfriar el café, 
Por explicar mil veces lo que ya no es así,
Por implantarnos un chip y por tratarlos de usted.

Nosotros nos tenemos que callar, corazón,
Por pobres, por contar ovejas para dormir,
Por levantar el tubo a la primer soledad, 
Por recortar y pegar, caras de la Para Tí.

Nosotros nos tenemos que esconder, corazón,
Por lentos, por enfermos, por matar al rehén,
Por tropezar mil veces con el mismo escalón,
Por no prestar atención cuando anunciaban el tren.

Nosotros nos tenemos que comer el garrón,
Por raros, por boludos, por soñar y apostar,
Por entender la moda cuando ya terminó,
Por insolventes y por buscar la otra mitad.

Nosotros nos tenemos que rendir, corazón,
Por obses, por insomnes, por volcar el Fernet,
Por dar vergüenza ajena, por contar el final,
Y por quererle sacar fotos al atardecer.

Nosotros nos tenemos que inmolar, corazón,
Por pocos, por apatrias, por hablarle al reloj,
Por ser esclavos de lo que se pudo decir,
Por no animarse a aplaudir cuando aterriza el avión.

Nosotros nos tenemos que fundir, corazón,
Por hippies, por cornudos, por pagar alquiler,
Por no aprender a registrar las putas ideas,
Por empezar las peleas y por morirnos de pie.

Nosotros nos tenemos que entregar, corazón,
Por extras, por quemados, por cambiar el pasado,
Por caminar en círculos desde el primer paso,
Por asustar al payaso y por seguir el papel.

Me Dejó Hablando Solo,

12 de febrero de 2012

Soy fan de tí, de tu manera de vestir,
de cada gramo de tu maquillaje,
soy fan de verte presumir.

Soy fan de tí, de tus medidas de maniquí,
de imaginarte en un escaparate,
de que te dejes seducir.

No me dejas que de mi opinión, eso a tí no te importa.
Por tantas razones soy fan, no lo puedo evitar…

Porque sí… porque te pones tan presumida,
es que me vas a arruinar la vida.
Y que sí.. lo digo yo, siempre me matan las despedidas,
tan solo soy un espectador…

Soy fan de tí, de tus vestidos carmesí,
de tus excesos de equipaje,
de que te arregles para mí.

Soy fan de tí, de tus maneras de Brigitte.
Eres un animal salvaje,
es lo que dicen por ahí…

No me dejas que de mi opinión, eso a tí no te importa.
Por tantas razones soy fan no lo puedo evitar…

Porque sí… cuando te pones tan presumida
es que me vas a arruinar la vida.
Y que sí.. lo digo yo, siempre me matan las despedidas
sin desnudarme en tu probador…

Porque sí…
haremos todo lo que me pidas,
tan solo soy un espectador…

Soy fan de tí

9 de febrero de 2012

What is love? Shakespeare tells us that love looks not with the eyes but with the mind. I'm only ten and have yet to experience great love so I've chose to write about the only love I'm familiar with: the love my parents share. It's not a new love filled with burning passion, my sister says they don't even French kiss anymore, but it's the little things I see them do for each other that tells me what love is. Like in the car when my mom puts her hand on the back of my dad's neck and massages it, or when my dad warms up my mom's car and scrape the ice of the windshield on cold mornings and how they've launch to communicate with each other using their own special language. It's true we don't have a lot of money but I like to think even if we did, my parents will still be at home hanging out, of course in a much nicer house with a jacuzzi soaking tub. If you ask people what they think of the greatest love stories they'll say Romeo and Juliet or Hermione and Ron Weasley and those are fine, but if you ask me, great love stories can be small like my mom and dad's.

Brick Heck,
The Middle.

7 de febrero de 2012

If the girl's into you, she's sleeping with you and if after a month or two months at the very upside she's not sleeping with you... She doesn't like you. The trick is to spot this girl early. You don't want to waste one to seven weeks waiting to find out that it's never going to happen. So... I've came up with some signs about how to spot this girl. 
A girl will never sleep with you if she calls you "cuddly" or "dependable", if she pops a zit in front of you, if her name is Amber or Christine, if she takes a dump in your bathroom or if she takes home leftovers on dates one, two or three.
I know it's not scientific, but I'm just saying you were warned.

Interviewed man,
He's Just Not That Into You.

6 de febrero de 2012

The poncho by itself is fine. The poncho, plus the flute, plus the stupid dance... My son will die a virgin!

Modern Family.

4 de febrero de 2012

Batman doesn't get picked on and he wears a cape. A poncho is just a cape that goes all the way around.

Modern Family

30 de enero de 2012

When I wake up yeah I know I'm gonna be
I'm gonna be the man who wakes up next to you
When I go out yeah I know I'm gonna be
I'm gonna be the man who goes along with you

If I get drunk yes I know I'm gonna be
I'm gonna be the man who gets drunk next to you
And if I haver yeah I know I'm gonna be
I'm gonna be the man who's havering to you

But I would walk 500 miles
And I would walk 500 more
Just to be the man who walked 1000 miles
To fall down at your door

When I'm working yes I know I'm gonna be
I'm gonna be the man who's working hard for you
And when the money comes in for the work I'll do
I'll pass almost every penny on to you

When I come home yeah I know I'm gonna be
I'm gonna be the man who comes back home to you
And if I grow old well I know I'm gonna be
I'm gonna be the man who's growing old with you

But I would walk 500 miles
And I would walk 500 more
Just to be the man who walked 1000 miles
To fall down at your door

When I'm lonely yes I know I'm gonna be
I'm gonna be the man whose lonely without you
When I'm dreaming yes I know I'm gonna dream
Dream about the time when I'm with you.

But I would walk 500 miles
And I would walk 500 more
Just to be the man who walked 1000 miles
To fall down at your door

I'm Gonna Be (500 Miles)
The Proclaimers

29 de enero de 2012

Sometimes I just say it. "Are you Dad? Are you?" Because he gets really quiet and doesn't notice when I walk away.

Luke Dunphy,
Modern Family.

25 de enero de 2012

Before Youtube I walked through life...
And now I frolic.
Youtube's been like a farther to me,
except you Youtube's not an Al-coholic
Before Youtube I was just a skinny white kid
that thought he was funnier and cooler then he actually was...
And now...
Well, not much has changed but I have a shitload of money.
Cause Youtube is a place for people to share their ideas..
If by people you mean 13 year old girls
and by ideas you mean how they love the Jonas Brothers...
I'm just kidding but let's be honest, that's a hefty majority...
And you if don't believe me...
Well then you must be a noob

So, welcome to Youtube,
You don't know what you're missing,
just try searching women kissing
It's Youtube,
It's what this countries been needing a generation of kids
who don't wast their time reading.
Am I the only one that thinks that Lisa Nova's hot?
And Chris Crockers not....
No...He's hotter...

Most of the best youtubers are either Asian or they're gay
So there's an untapped youtube celebrity, and it's name is Geore Takai.
And your favorite coat has got a doo-doo stain,
I pray to god that that's chocolate rain
And i find videos of babies laughing a bit intrusive...
Because, Barrak Obama won the election because of Youtube
Because Barrak Obama won the election because of Youtube.

Wait did I say Youtube? I meant the black vote.
And I think that Youtube and Fred are so cool
And What The Buck will be back in a jiffy lube...

So welcome to Youtube
Yeah, I said welcome to Youtube
Hey, Welcome to Youtube

I said listen and linger,
Charlie the unicorn bit my finger.
It's Youtube, The impact is evident,
Ms. Teen South Carolina just ran for vice president...

Upload a video you got nothin' to lose,
Except all of your friends...
And the approval of your parents

Hi, my name is Mary and I'm 19 years old and I got drunk at a party and I think someone was videotaping it but I don't want anyone to see it 'cause I showed half of my boob...
Sorry Mary,
Welcome to Youtube
Say hello to Youtube
Say goodbye to your college scholarship
Yeah, and it'll keep on going and it'll never stop,
'Till it's privatized

Welcome to youtube
Bo Burnham

24 de enero de 2012

- Forgive me Father for I have sinned. I pressed the close button on an elevator door when I saw a woman running to catch it.
- Why did you do that?
- It was a long ride down to the lobby and she was wearing too much perfume. 

Blair & the Priest,
Gossip Girl. 

23 de enero de 2012

- Write this down: "What's the difference between try and tryumph?"
- A little umph?
- A little umph! Get it?
- Of course I get it! I've just said it!

Jay & Many,
Modern Family.

19 de enero de 2012

And so it is just like you said it would be
Life goes easy on me
most of the time
And so it is the shorter story
No love, no glory
No hero in her sky

I can't take my eyes off of you
I can't take my eyes off you
I can't take my eyes off of you
I can't take my eyes off you
I can't take my eyes off you
I can't take my eyes

And so it is just like you said it should be
We'll both forget the breeze
Most of the time
And so it is the colder water
The Blower's Daughter
The pupil in denial

I can't take my eyes off of you
I can't take my eyes off you
I can't take my eyes off of you
I can't take my eyes off you
I can't take my eyes off you
I can't take my eyes

Did I say that I loathe you?
Did I say that I want to
Leave it all behind?

I can't take my mind off of you
I can't take my mind off you
I can't take my mind off of you
I can't take my mind off you
I can't take my mind off you
I can't take my mind
my mind my mind
'Til I find somebody new

The Blower's Daughter,
Damien Rice.

18 de enero de 2012

Les voy a decir algo, piénsenlo bien antes de casarse. Sobre todo si van a organizar una fiesta. O sea, para empezar, un catering para 120 personas, cuesta realmente una fortuna, el lugar... bueno, ni quieran saberlo, fotógrafo, la filmación, el disc jockey, los músicos, el traje, el vestido de la novia... Realmente delirante. ¿Y todo para qué? Vandalismo. Meses de preparación para ver como en un par de horas un grupo de, de salvajes que decían ser tu familia y tus amigos deboran la comida, rompen sillas, ensucian baños, todos chivados... Pasame más vino se vino la pachanga, en fin, realmente un desastre. Ahora, si todo eso pasa quiere decir que tu fiesta fue un éxito.

Mi Primera Boda.

15 de enero de 2012

Si tuvieras cuello te ahorcaría...


12 de enero de 2011

No te fíes si te juro que es imposible
no dudes de mi duda y mi quizás
el amor es igual que un imperdible
perdido en la solapa del azar.

La luna toma el sol de madrugada
nunca jamás quiere decir tal vez,
la muerte es un amante despechada
que juega sucio y no sabe perder.

Estoy tratando de decirte que
me desespero de esperarte
que no salgo a buscarte porque sé
que corro el riesgo de encontrarte
que me sigo mordiendo noche y día
las uñas del rencor
que te sigo debiendo todavía
una canción de amor.

No corras si te llamo de repente
no te vayas si te grito piérdete
a menudo los labios más urgentes
no tienen prisa dos besos después.

Se aferra el corazón a lo perdido
los ojos que no ven miran mejor
cantar es disparar contra el olvido
vivir sin ti es dormir en la estación.

Todavía una Canción de Amor,
Los Rodríguez.

11 de enero de 2012

You ask if I have protection
I say Well um no... 
I've tried to buy them once 
I was in the convenient store 
My old baby sitter walked in 
I had to hide them near the tic-tacs 
I was so embarrassed I peed myself a little bit...

High School Party,
Bo Burnham